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The Grandeur of Iceland

Trip Reviews for The Grandeur of Iceland

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(9 Traveler Reviews)

  • Carol from MA gives this tour 

    Delighted by the waterfalls, the scenery and the horses.


    Travel Documents 


    On-Tour Transportation 

    Guides and Sightseeing 

    Value for the Money 

    Date Traveled: 7/26/2024

  • Lynda from MA gives this tour 

    Delighted by all the waterfalls and how immense the country is.


    Travel Documents 


    On-Tour Transportation 

    Guides and Sightseeing 

    Value for the Money 

    Date Traveled: 7/25/2024

  • Brian from FL gives this tour 

    Delighted by the guide we had. His local knowledge provided a very intimate very of life in Iceland. His ability to change from a van to a bus.


    Travel Documents 


    On-Tour Transportation 

    Guides and Sightseeing 

    Value for the Money 

    Date Traveled: 8/11/2023

  • Sylvia from MN gives this tour 

    The group I traveled with, all the sights and scenery, our terrific tour guide, organization of the tour, quality of transportation.


    Travel Documents 


    On-Tour Transportation 

    Guides and Sightseeing 

    Value for the Money 

    Date Traveled: 7/15/2023

  • Debbie from CO gives this tour 

    I was particularly delighted by the Icelandic horses. Their gaits were unique and beautiful. I also enjoyed seeing how the greenhouses were set up to feed the population. Seeing the lambs playing brought a smile to my face. I think my farming background is shining through here. Finally, I also would highly recommend our guide. She was a wonderful resource: knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful.


    Travel Documents 


    On-Tour Transportation 

    Guides and Sightseeing 

    Value for the Money 

    Date Traveled: 6/2/2023
