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Ancient Lands of the Himalayas - A Journey to Nepal + Bhutan

Trip Reviews for Ancient Lands of the Himalayas - A Journey to Nepal + Bhutan

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(3 Traveler Reviews)

  • Donald from CO gives this tour 

    The highlights were the Tiger's Nest, seeing a Bengal Tiger and Rhinos in the wild, eating at a family's home in Jaipur, and eating the different street food. Bhutan was the best. All the guides were wonderful.


    Travel Documents 


    On-Tour Transportation 

    Guides and Sightseeing 

    Value for the Money 

    Date Traveled: 3/28/2023

  • Laurie from CO gives this tour 

    Our guides were amazing! Our hotels were first class! Nepal and Bhutan were fantastic places to visit!


    Travel Documents 


    On-Tour Transportation 

    Guides and Sightseeing 

    Value for the Money 

    Date Traveled: 3/28/2023

  • Deborah from CA gives this tour 

    Well organized and excellent itinerary which had some flexibility. Guides were knowledgeable and friendly. Beautiful accommodations.


    Travel Documents 


    On-Tour Transportation 

    Guides and Sightseeing 

    Value for the Money 

    Date Traveled: 11/19/2019
